The focus of Fiddleheads Acoustic Jam Camp is to teach and inspire musicians to play with each other in various styles - both singing and instrumental - and to experience playing in a band setting. Held each year in September, Jam Camp features hours of jams, workshops and concerts throughout the weekend.
Fiddleheads Acoustic Jam Camp!
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Ok so I’m a very big fan of music-lots of styles and engagement with it, be it through singing, dancing, witnessing or playing music. Hell to the yes on that!
But what I did not know until attending Fiddleheads Acoustic Jam Camp—that it would be so very fun, joyful and healing to learn more about music and creating it in community. WOW AM I THANKFUL for the opportunity to participate in and photograph this phenomenal camp in New Hampshire dedicated to bringing music into our communities in a gentle and fun way.
There were workshops and jams all day and night long. We got to arrange a tune in our own band and play it in front of the whole camp. There was an open mic. Music everywhere, around every corner, whistling through the trees surrounding us. Most amazing.
It’s funny (not funny) how weapy I and those sitting next to me got at the open mic, to witness folks busting through self-consciousness and fear and just playing their hearts out. That’s when I fully realized how music heals and it is our universal language. Thank goodness we have that.
Did I fail to mention the caliber of instruction we got from some incredible musicians and teachers !? My band leader was Celia Woodsmith (below)—grammy nominated vocalist and songwriter with Della Mae. May I say it again? (WOW!)
Very special thanks to camp directors Melissa Bragdon Caron and Ellen Carlson, (above) for all they do to bring music into our world. To learn more about the camp or support their mission, please visit their website.